Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Today, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, is holding a keynote address called MacWorld to unveil the company's new products for 2007. While nothing new has been posted on the Apple Web site, www.macrumors.com (visit the link on the right-hand side of my blog) has minute-to-minute updates and photos from the MacWorld keynote.

Thus far, Apple has revealed a new MacPro Cube, which runs silently due to its lack of fans. Also, a new wide-screen iPod, iTV (a way to view the movies you have downloaded onto your iPod through your television) and, most excitingly and importantly:

Blends a palm pilot, a cell phone and an iPod into one beautiful product. No buttons (cluttering) and no stylus (easy to lose) the iPhone uses multitouch technology so all a user needs is her/his fingers. So far, Cingulair is the exclusive carrier for the new phone. Whether they were the only company to sign on or whether Apple wanted only one company, nobody knows yet.

Price estimate? $500.00

MacWorld is the largest convention Apple holds each year. For MacHeads, it's like Christmas, with a tall, white, glasses-wearing computer geek Steve Jobs as Santa. Really, a more appropriate name would be GeekWorld.

Although at my house, we're glued to our TV, scanning the web on our G5 and our laptops, a MacBook and a MacBook Pro, sending text messages and blogging about MacWorld like it was our job.


Monday, January 08, 2007

There is talk of poo and sticks

I have decided that this blog is getting boring. And not because of the new font color or the fact that I switched to Blogger beta, a fact which I am regretting because I lost the fabulous color pink that I had found from a random HTML Web site and can never get back, unfortunately.

Nope, it's boring because I have, simply and frankly, lost the will to write. And I must ask myself why. Or rather, you, since you're reading this.

Is this a semester-long writer's block?

Is it the gargantuan decision that I no longer wish to be a traditional journalist that has colored my ability to write anything whatsoever?

The fact that my "editor" at the newspaper (we're using that term loosely because he gives absolutely no feedback or assistance, just rude remarks and ad hominem attacks that stem from what I believe is jealousy and a deeply imbedded stick up his...) and because of this, I've had a remarkable new thought that all other writers are better than me, even Nicholas Sparks, whose books I believe I could write with two eyes closed and while taking a dump?

Is it inappropriate to mention both poo and sticks up asses in one's blog?

Should I care about what is inappropriate?

Should I just give up now?