Sunday, May 07, 2006

That's MS. Carrie Bradshaw, to you

It's official. I am a real writer. I have a real column. In a real newspaper. A real column, in a real newspaper, that is read by more than 12,000 people each day. Wow.

If you are a reader of this blog, then THANK YOU, first of all, for reading. All of the positive feedback I've gotten has been amazing, and knowing that there are people out there who enjoy my writing was actually what led me to apply for the columnist position to begin with. So to my friends, my family members, and the anonymous people that I've never met that have responded to my writing - thank you. I appreciate you.

With this new medium (which is strange, because only in 2006 could a person publish first on the internet, THEN in the newspaper...) I have decided on a new site design. Feedback much appreciated, as I am very new to the whole HTML thing.

If you're interested, my very first column appears in the Rocky Mountain Collegian tomorrow, along with an article I wrote about the SAFER Initiative. It will be my only column for the year, as school is almost out, but I'll be writing weekly in the Fall of 2006. If you're curious, please pick up a copy of the Collegian tomorrow, or follow this link to read it online.

Get Excited!


1 comment:

Ian said...

Just surfed in looking at random blogs - and I find another Coloradoan! Woohoo for your new column! As a fellow writer, I could choose to be jealous over your success, but instead I choose to be happy for you. Any time someone is willing to recognize any writer's work as valuable enough to publish, it's a good thing for all of us.

Congrats to you!
