Sunday, December 04, 2005

Having a Ball

I just got back from the Denver Military Ball, and despite that fact that my date and I were probably the only quasi-liberals in the room (after all, we do recycle...) we had a fantastic time.

The essence of the night: many and much toasting, wandering around to talk to people with lots of bling on their jackets, ordering drinks, more wandering around (and after a certain point in the night - avoiding people with lots of bling on their jackets and too much alcohol in their bloodstream) more ordering of drinks, drunken kareoke (more fun than you'd think!) running amok in a fancy hotel, dancing with elbows, and playing in the hotel room.

Good thing I don't have bling on my jacket or I'd probably try to recycle it.

Photo of the day: "All dressed up!" c. Hilary Davis

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